PhiChem Officially Changes name To PhiChem Corporation

On July 13, 2021 the official name of PhiChem was changed from Shanghai PhiChem Material Co., Ltd. To PhiChem Corporation (PhiChem, Stock code: 300398, Bond code: 123078).

Founded in 2002, PhiChem has been working diligently and growing for nearly 20 years, starting off with independent research and development and production of Ultraviolet (UV) curable materials in the field of optical communication and gradually expanding its core business scope to integrated circuit manufacturing, display materials and other chemicals and materials fields. In 2021, in order to improve the operating efficiency of the company and streamline management of the business units, the Display materials Division, Semiconductor materials Division and UV materials Division have each adopted a parallel path of progress in science and technology.

With the mission of providing high-quality materials for high-tech manufacturing, PhiChem strive to be a leader in the industry we serve. We will continue to strengthen exploration in the field of novel materials, constantly pursue innovative and sustainable manufacturing practices and provide customers with high-quality and reliable materials solutions, thereby growing and strengthening our dynamic advanced materials enterprise.